What features and risks a player needs to consider in order to fully improve their gaming experience
World of Warcraft is a complex multi-level project consisting of many mechanics that the player needs to consider in order to improve gaming skills and actually progress on the servers of Azeroth.
The player will have to master the main abilities of the class, strengths and weaknesses, be able to adapt in spontaneous and planned PVP, have good equipment and tactics for raids and PVE activities.
You can do it yourself, relying on the game system for training and integrating new players into the World of Warcraft servers, but there are several strong disadvantages:
- The game teaches the basics – movement, combat, primary skills and quest system, but without clear instructions on how to adopt these skills in the future, when the game difficulty will be significantly increased.
- Each class has a huge number of skills and many ways to combine them to achieve the greatest efficiency. In World of Warcraft, there is the concept of meta – this is the combination and choice of skills of any class, based on changes in the latest patch notes.
- There is no raid tutorial, and these are the most difficult, interesting and effective zones for getting a lot of experience and epic, legendary equipment.
- No recommendations and training PvP – World of Warcraft is built on the fundamental setting of confrontation between the two factions – Alns and Horde and PVP will be waiting for you often, often suddenly, and you need to know not only the combination of skills to effectively repel the enemy, but also to keep cool and consistently to squeeze all active abilities.

What is vocational training
This is a learning mechanic that is implemented by special services like Skycoach, which attract professional players with various specializations to teach players in detail all the main game aspects and help in the planned development of the character with an accurate understanding of the process and reasons for the chosen actions.

How is learning to play World of Warcraft
The client player order coach service and communicates with the professional Skycoach player via voice. If you still have not decided on your preferred playing class, the coach will help you choose from the available options by asking leading questions.
The next step will be teaching the game meta – this is a more important parameter than movement and quests.
Meta is the ability to make a character as effective as possible based on current patch notes.
For example, after the next addition to the World of Warcraft, magicians will be weakened, but this does not mean that the player should change the game class. The trainer will tell you how to combine the new build in order to be as effective as possible. Perhaps there will be recommendations for changing and strengthening equipment.
The next important step will be PVP.
You must always be ready to fight with a representative of the enemy faction and not only to defend, but also to attack.
The first step will be to develop a build specifically for PVP – these are active skills that should be applied first in the correct sequence. Under the guidance of a coach, the player will gain the necessary experience and learn to act calmly and confidently, with an analysis of mistakes.
Stage of selection of equipment and weapons.
World of Warcraft has many weapons of varying degrees of quality. The player needs to understand it and be able to choose the best option from all available for gold.
The trainer will analyze the ways to get the best of them:
Crafting – will require upgrading the skills of professions and constant work to collect or purchase resources, but in the future it will be able to bring new equipment and weapons, and then gold when you start selling to other players.
Raids are a great way to get the best equipment, depending on the boss level you choose. The trainer will help you understand the mechanics of bosses and the main signals for their use, teach you how to work in a team when joining a group, or creating your own. When you create a group, you must take into account all the risks and choose a good tank, healer and attacking characters.
The trainer will help you go through the storyline and discover each new piece of terrain, deal with the knowledge system and new reagents, conquer the capital of dragons and master new craft mechanics.
How to identify a good coach
A good coach, as a professional Skycoach player, will not immediately overwhelm you with game mechanics data – his task is to ask the right questions and understand what you want from the game, which character and game system is closer to you and start planned training in this direction.
The coach is calm, in the right direction, advises and prompts as befits a mentor. A coach who raises his voice, is nervous, or gives you a mess of information is not suitable for you – you simply will not reveal your potential.
The coach always sees when it is worth stopping training – if the student has clearly advanced in understanding the game mechanics, and playing without a coach will only strengthen his confidence in his abilities and put the finishing touches on the mechanics of training. The second case – the coach cannot teach the game in the selected class, and it is worth replacing the coach with a professional Skycoach player with the appropriate specialization.
You need to choose a coach according to a close temperament – someone is comfortable with a calm player, someone with a more emotional one, but I repeat – expression and nerves with insult are different things, monitor your condition.