The well-established companies usually give some offers for their loyal customers where they can earn some pints and rewards from the company. “My Coke Rewards” is one of the marketing activities introduced by a beverage manufacturer Coca-Cola. It is a customer loyalty program where you get special codes found on some specially marked packages of Coca-Cola products. Customers have to enter those found codes on its website under the mycokerewards program. You can also enter those codes by texting from your mobile device.
These codes are then converted into virtual points which can be redeemed by members for various prizes or some sweepstakes entries. The points earned in the “my coke rewards” program, can also be used to donate for any cause on behalf of your name. Started in 2006 and ended in late June 2017, now again this offer is being introduced by the Coca-Cola. If you are already familiar with my coke rewards or if you were the loyal customer and earned some rewards under mycokerewards, you can pick up the good times right where you left off. If you weren’t part of my coke rewards in the past and are want to earn mycokerewards codes, Coca-Cola invites you to join this program, earn points and discover a whole world of rewarding experiences.
How to Enter My Coke Rewards Codes
Step 1 – Visit its official site
Step 2 – First, signup link to register an account with your email address and choose your password. Give your address when asked on the next page. In order to enter my coke rewards codes by text message, give your mobile number detail.
Step 3 – Now, by clicking the submit button, you will be taken to the new account page. If you registered to enter codes through text, then you will receive a text message and reply on it to confirm your account.
Step 4 – Once all done correctly, enter your special code into the field at top of the page and submit it by clicking on the arrow next to it.
In case if you want to enter codes by text, send a text message of code to 2653.
Final Words:
There are several other offers and rewards earning offers by Coca-Cola for its customers. This “MyCokeRewards” is available on every beverage product offered by The Coca-Cola Company. Keep in mind that these special codes are with some specially marked product packaging only so, there are very chances of getting them. So check your drink before you drink and earn some special rewards from the company. Whether you are millennial or not, if you want free stuff and some loyalty point to earn rewards the, My Coke Rewards is back in the business. Earn and get My Coke Rewards codes for free. Go get it.
There are several other offers like “Sip and Scan” where you scan the code given on the product and you can win exciting rewards, sweepstakes and some other rewarding perks.