Here, this guide for Enable or Disable Administrator Account on Login Screen in Windows 10 and you are on the login or welcome screen and the Administrator account is not an option by default in Microsoft Windows 10 see below all steps to very easy.
How to Enable or Disable Administrator Account on Login Screen in Windows 10
Method 1: Using Command
Step 1: Hold the Windows Key.
Step 2: After Pressing R after opening the Windows Run dialog box.
Step 3: After writing net user administrator /active: yes
Step 4: Press Enter.
Step 5: After Replace yes with no to disable the admin account on the welcome screen.
Step 6: Done.
Method 2: Using Admin Tools
Step 1: Hold the Windows Key while pressing R after showing Windows Run dialog box.
Step 2: Type lusrmgr.msc after then press Enter.
Step 3: Open Users.
Step 4: Select Administrator.
Step 5: Uncheck or check Account is disabled as desired.
Step 6: Select OK.
Method 3: Using Registry
Step 1: Hold the Windows KeyPress R after the open Windows Run dialog box.
Step 2: Type regedit after then press Enter.
Step 3: Navigate to the following: Software, Microsoft, Windows NT, and User List.
Step 4: Here, Right-click on User List.
Step 5: After select New > DWORD Value.
Step 6: Give the value a name of Administrator.
Step 7: Press the Enter key after you done.
Step 8: Close the Registry Editor.
Step 9: After restarting the computer.
Step 10: Delete the Administrator value to turn it off.
Step 11: After appearing on the Welcome screen.
Step 12: Done.
Method 4: Group Policy
Step 1: Hold the Windows Key while pressing R to See Windows Run dialog box.
Step 2: After Type gpedit.msc after then press Enter.
Step 3: Navigate to the following: Local Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, and Security Options.
Step 4: Enable or Disable the setting desired.
Step 5: Done.
Here, the complete guide on How to Enable or Disable Administrator Account on Login Screen in Windows 10 and you read this guide very helpful for you.