The most beautiful photographs on Instagram are often not from the phone because a phone’s sensors are just not good enough like the DSLR or other pro cameras that maybe the celebrities use, National Geographic use, etc. Now often those photos that are clicked by DSLR or pro cameras need to be edited on PC and then you can post them on Facebook or Twitter or maybe Pinterest as well. But you need to then transfer them to your phone to be able to upload on Instagram because you can open on PC but you cannot upload a photo via PC to Instagram. It does not give you that particular option. The official desktop version of Instagram also doesn’t allow users to use Direct Message features on it. In this particular article, we are going to tell you how to upload and post photos and videos directly from the PC or laptop or Mac directly. The tool called Deskgram is the desktop version of Instagram.
Deskgram, like its name, suggests it is related to Instagram. With this, you can upload any media file to your Instagram without installing any additional software or tool on the PC. Well, you have to log in with your Instagram username and password in order to upload photos but Deskgram is completely safe, secure, and free so you don’t need to worry about it. According to its official website, it is a tool powered with amazing features to tell your story with high-quality content. This helps to attract a larger audience. It is an unofficial version of Instagram that uses open Instagram API but as we said it is completely safe and secure to use and doesn’t pose risk for your privacy.
Requirements to use Deskgram
Use any of these tools to upload photos and videos directly from your PC to Instagram.
- Google Chrome Browser (as it doesn’t work with other browsers)
- Windows Deskgram app (Windows 7 or Framework 4.5.2)
- Mac App of Deskgram for Mac
Note: When we tried the Deskgram, it doesn’t work maybe because of some maintenance issue or anything. It works usually
Features of Deskgram
There are lots of features that this unofficial desktop version of Instagram has to offer. Its official website says that Instagram Direct Messaging feature is also coming soon Deskgram so if you are finding how to use Instagram DM on PC then within a few days Deskgram will be the best solution for you. Here are some of the features that this web application has to offer now.
Safe and secure – Deksgram is completely secure and safe. It might be risky to sign in with your social media credentials but Deskgram is completely safe and secure for your privacy.
It’s free – The Deskgram is absolutely free to use and upload any media files from its app or website.
Upload directly from the browser – You can upload directly from the Google Chrome Browser or even use its Chrome extension for easy access.
No software needed – You do not need to install its app on your PC to use Deksgram. However, the Deskgram app is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux but you can use it directly from your browser.
Drag and Drop – Juts like YouTube feature, users can just drag and drop photos and videos and your photos will be uploaded instantly in high-quality.
Caption and hashtags support – Just like Instagram mobile app users can add a caption and add hashtags with their posts so you don’t have to further edit the post from the mobile app.
How to Upload Photos to Instagram from PC/Mac
The process of posting photos on your Instagram account with Deskgram is different. You can use its Chrome Extension or app for Windows or Mac. You just have to install the Deskgram app on your respective device and log in with your Instagram credentials. Now use the Deskgram just like the Instagram mobile app on your PC.
On Browser
Step #1: Just open the website on your Google Chrome browser –
Step #2: Scroll down and click on “Upload Photos” and you will be redirected to the login page to Instagram.
Step #3: You have to log in with your Instagram username and passwords.
Step #4: Now the Instagram will be opened on your browser just like its app version.
Step #5: Click on the “Camera Icon” and it will open a new window popup from where you can select photos that you want to post. Alternatively, you can also use the drag and drop method.
Step #6: You can apply filters and add a caption with hashtags.
This is how you can easily upload and post photos to your Instagram from your PC or laptop.
How to download Deskgram app on your Computer
Final Words:
So don’t wait until Instagram comes with this feature on its official desktop site and use Deskgram. Within a few days or months, Desakgram is introducing the feature to use Instagram Messaging on the PC for free. So now it is another reason to use Deskgram now. Tell us how do you like Deskgram and if you know any other similar website then tell our readers in the comment box below.